Software Technology Solutions Blog

DoRa Metrics software DevOps: how is it used in work?

The general trend is that a few years ago, many organizations viewed DevOps as a promising experiment rather than a mainstream appro...
13.12.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov

How to improve mobile QA practice: what do you need to know?

Quality Assurance (QA) is a very important part of application development. Mobile apps aren’t an exception. Regrettably, a lo...
13.12.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov

Professional Scrum Master: How to Become?

Scrum master is a relatively new profession that is very important in the modern IT industry. This methodology allows teams to becom...
10.12.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov

Remote work for DevOps faces new rules of work

Over the past year and a half, a trend has been added: the business that did not know about IT began to learn about it. For example,...
25.11.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov

Agile team facilitation: What are the advantages of it?

The world is changing. It is difficult to find specialists who can do a lot of different tasks and realize complicated tasks by them...
25.11.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov

Agile QA: What are the advantages and how to implement it?

Due to the constantly changing world, every company needs to adapt to the changes and agile methods have been shown to be effective....
09.11.2021 Ivan Kolesnikov

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