Software Technology Solutions Blog

How to Hire a React Native Developer

React Native is the process of leveraging JavaScript skills to write real and natively-rendering mobile applications for both Androi...
25.08.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

How to hire a Game Developer

What is a Game Developer  According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the global games market generates revenues for mor...
25.08.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

Hiring a Mobile App Developer

Figures show that almost 53% of IT companies all over the world have outsourced software or app development teams at least once. Thi...
25.08.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

Hiring an Iphone App Developer

Production of an aesthetically-pleasing and seamless iPhone application demands experienced developers behind programming. This only...
25.08.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

Top Industries Which Utilize Cryptocurrency Development

What is Cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is basically a medium of exchange. They are means of carrying out a transaction digitally. Cr...
16.04.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

How to Develop a Cryptocurrency Wallet: A Brief Guide

There are different types of wallets held online or offline (also referred to as hot and cold wallets): desktop, online, mobile, har...
16.04.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

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