Software Technology Solutions Blog

Interaction between frontend and backend

Backend and frontend are the most recognizable terms in the development industry. These two concepts dictate what type of job a spec...
06.05.2022 Ivan Kolesnikov

All about website prototype

Building a website begins with the creation of its prototype. A prototype is a plan for a future project: the more complex the idea,...
03.05.2022 Ivan Kolesnikov

What Is ASP.NET And Why It Is Used

ASP.NET is a platform for web development and the Microsoft .Net platform part. ASP.NET applications are written using extensible an...
01.05.2022 Ivan Kolesnikov

.NET Technologies Popularity Reasons

First, let’s define what .NET technologies are? Microsoft started working on a new open-source, cross-platform framework versi...
27.04.2022 Ivan Kolesnikov

Improving Website Readability

There are several reasons why users may quickly leave the site: the page does not match the user’s request; it takes a long ti...
25.04.2022 Ivan Kolesnikov

Web Design Trends For Your Site

Technology changes quickly, and website design trends are no exception. Website design elements and features that were modern and in...
22.04.2022 Ivan Kolesnikov

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