Software Technology Solutions Blog

How to Hire a Remote Team: 4 Steps to Success

Since 2015, Global Cloud Team has significantly expanded. The number of employees has increased, the amount of successful projects h...
18.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

Tools For Remote Software Development: Must-Have For Online Teams

Although there are many benefits in remote software development, a huge part of workers often needs to chat with their colleagues to...
17.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

How to Run a Successful Remote Meeting: 7 Ideas for Maximum Efficiency

Any meeting is a weird thing. There are delays, interruptions, the topics change to regular discussions, some people aren’t listenin...
16.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

Building Team Culture in a Remote Team: 7 Tips for Success

Each team has a culture of its own. This makes working together easier and more efficient. But what can you do when you have a remot...
15.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

Managing a Remote Team: Some Tips for Successful Management

Managing a remote team sometimes requires even more responsibility than when working in a regular office. The same tasks as in a rea...
14.09.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

The Explanation of IT Cost Transparency

Expenses are usually one of the key factors that influence the decisions of many companies about IT budgets. The absence of a transp...
25.08.2020 Ivan Kolesnikov

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